Monday, April 13, 2009


Saturday we of course got ready to watch some RRRUUUGGGBBYYYY!!!! Yea you can always count on my & my sisters to attend a good RUGBY GAME!! Obvious the reasons I attend are much different (being that I have my rugby play Jayy). But just the sport itself is a lot. If there is a SPORT that can define a TRUE MAN I must say its this sport!! My Dad would say "if you don't play rugby your a mahu" yea...that would probably be why his daughters are so caught up in that sport cause BOY does the MAN (in most players) come out!! Despite the RAIN & the COLD we went & watched my brothers team SPARTANS & his old team HAGGIS play and that was a GOOD GAME well worth being out there in the rain & the cold!! Haggis put up a good game BUTT....SPARTANS put up the fight with them!!

1 comment:

M. Haydee Speredon said...

Hello, again we are definitely family Jayson's Dad Scott is my Husbands Uncle. Jake and Jason went to West Lake Jr when they were kids, My Mother-in law says that Jason comes to the reunions as well so that is great. I will definitely add you to my family list I hope you do the same, please keep in touch.