So last post for today FOR REALS!! I swear I'm going to stay up on this "consistency". Now it may not be that big of a deal for some to "blog" but for me it is because it my own lil journal so please BARE with me!
So October 18th (Sunday) as i was rushing into the chapel to get to the Young Women Room (Laurel Teacher) I was stopped at the doorway by Neti Lui (my brother, & the Stake Clerk) asking me to go with him to the Stake Office so I follow him, but all I'm thinking is to get to Young Women's to teach my lesson, not realizing what was in store for me.
A few minutes pass & I get directed into the high council room to be greeted by Tonga (i think that's his name) the 2nd counselor to the Stake Presidency. Well long story short I've been called to serve as 2nd Counselor for the Stake Young Women Presidency...woo hoo...I'm sooooooo excited & at the same time a little nervous. I've been so used to our Young Women in our Ward & area but now its time to work with ALL of them in our Stake. I have no DOUBT my Father in Heaven will be there for me, I know if anything I'll be LEARNING a TON from the Young Women along with the great women I'll be working with Mapuana Tuia (my cousins wife) Angela Tuiaki, & Lose Lao. I'm indeed grateful that i have this time to serve my Father in Heaven, and the Young Women of this Stake & look forward to ALL that lies ahead the good, and the bad all in all it will be for my own benefit!!
Sis, you will make an awesome leader! Congratulations on your calling!!!! Love ya!
Wow that's awesome news!! You will do amazing things for the Youth! I'm so happy for you, it takes a special, patient person to work with the youth :) congrats!!
Yay!!! Congrats Sis!!!
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