I'm sure by my previous post you all know how much I love my Dad!! And if the title of the post is a bit confusing to you....let me explain. Back when we lived in California my Dad took up wrestling down in Orange County, and his wrestling name was....."GOLDEN BEAR" and yes the "bear bug" was his signature move!! Anyhow family & close friends that know us....know that name!! So my blog today is about this man I call my Dad. Everyone I know holds there Dad close to them, but if your like me & the oldest "girl" then you know what I'm talking about when you know you have a STRONG BOND with him. Maybe because your his FIRST lil girl, and in my family I'm his first little girl after 3 boys booooo....j/p. Growing up I always knew my Dad kept me apart from everyone else....now I'm not saying this because it's me....but because its the TRUTH. As far as I could remember he would make sure I knew how "special" I was & my position as being his first & the oldest girl. I know at times I had the special treatment but along with that came a lot of responsibilites.
A few years ago my Dad (being diabetic) had partial of his right foot amputated, & that was a very hard time for our family espicially my Mom. But thru it all my Dad gave us no time to dwell on it, he just kept going. Now this was a man who defined the word WORK to me. Who has said many times to us "work hard for what you want", or " if your going to do something give it your BEST" so many countless counsels. A man who once as a little girl used to take me to "Golds Gym" with him, and I used to sit there & watch him lift, a man who used to bring out all our families to an EXCITING wrestling match, a man who would come home from a full day of work & stayed outside to do his yard work......per his comment "you know how a MAN is by the way his house is kept outside", a man who instilled to me & my brothers & sisters the importance of FAMILY as broke as we were we made sure we attended what functions we could in California or in Utah by driving us back & forth, a MAN I watched for years in magnifying his calling in the Ward or Stake level, a MAN who stood by me ALL the time reguardless of my decisions, a MAN that taught me to embrace my culture & that of my responsibilities of being his oldest daughter. I can obviously go on & on about him but one of the most memorable days for me was the day that picture of me him & Jayy was taken (above). This my dear friends & family....was the first time for my Dad to meet Jayy, the first time for my Dad to see the MAN that had his oldest daughter whooped....but by the picture you wouldn't have even noticed.....look at his smile!! He was created to be my Dad to teach me what he has taught me!!
The "Golden Bear" has been sick for the past few days his left side underneath his thigh & above has a lot of pain and they have diagnosed it as "cellulitis" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellulitis he has been bed bound, yet he tries to move around. All I can hope for is for his health to be restored, and I can't wait to get out of training because I have A LOT of trips planned out for us. I LOVE U DAD & I can only hope that my sons will be just like there Grandpa a MAN that holds it ALL!!
Amazing tribute sis to Dad!!! May he have a SPEEDY recovery!!! YAY ur week is almost over too!!! ALMOST at the end of that Tunnel!!! love ya
Lovin' the tribute sis! Yes, I remember those years. He came out here and wrestled and we went. I think he did a powerdrive on his opponent and broke the platform. That was the only thing I could remember. I do know we were so proud. I hope he gets better. Cellulitis is not fun -- both Ailini and Haloti had that. And congrats on finishing up your training! Love you sis!
How sweet.. You have such a nice dad, he always had a smile on his face and was so nice to me whenever I would see him.. Send our love to him and let me know if you guys need anything.. My dad wants to know where he is so he can go visit him..
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