Saturday, December 26, 2009

Yup another one of those posts...

Yup it is another one of those posts "catch up"!! But this time I wont be anal to figure if I'm missing something...since he last post 12/2 and today 12/26 A LOT has happened!!

Some of the past things were my Dad's siblings the babies of the family are visiting from NZ his baby sister Tupou brother Vikilani & his daughter Veilomani are here for the Holidays & to visit my handsome Uncle Saia. It has been pretty busy since my last entry..we (Dad, Jayy & Me) did fly out to LBC to pick up Aunty Pou & it was a fun quick little trip. First time for my Dad to FINALLY use the benefits HOI...but he enjoyed it!! Then on the 17th of December my Uncle Vikilani & daughter Veilomani came down that same weekend we had a wedding my Mom was doing I really don't know how this women does it BUT she does and we DID it!!

On 12/20 we had our FIRST LAPU'AHO CHRISTMAS PARTY!! First time to have more than just our family & Uncle Saia's was so much FUN, lots of laughter, crying & memories to last forever!! Christmas this year for me & Jayy was quiet different then the past two years...for ONE our daughter can come any minute now so we've been focusing on that..also Dad (Paseni Crip) is not here with us..but we know he's watching from above. I'm excited for the New Year to come cause I feel very good with whats in store for us...EVERYTHING..the struggles, the blessings, trials, memories list goes on and on!! We'll I know it wasn't much of an entry but it counts for something right...hope you all had a GREAT CHRISTMAS and may the New Year bring more!!

1 comment:

Sinai said...

I miss your entries, but I know with the holidays and everything else, it's hard to keep up. I'm so excited for your new arrival. You two will make wonderful parents!!!! She will be spoiled!